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So far Urban League Staff has created 132 blog entries.

October 2022

Leadership does not have to be lonely

2022-10-27T10:25:28-04:00October 27th, 2022|Making News|

Originally published: October 26, 2022 Smart Business Times People often say, “Leadership is a lonely place.” I certainly understand why many believe that. As a leader, you must make tough decisions to implement your vision. Resistance can be demoralizing and frustrating, especially when you see clearly how you can move from where you are to [...]

The Heinz Endowments grants $1M to Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh

2022-10-26T09:16:00-04:00October 26th, 2022|Making News|

Originally published: 10/25/2022 Pittsburgh Business Times The Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh has received a $1 million gift from the Heinz Endowments. The grant will go towards the Urban League’s One Pittsburgh Now initiative, which aims to connect unemployed and underemployed working-age African-American individuals in Pittsburgh with employment. Specifically, the grant will focus on challenges faced [...]

Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh has named Andrea Clark Smith as new board chair and appointed three new directors.

2022-10-26T09:13:56-04:00October 25th, 2022|Making News|

Originally published: October 11, 2022 Pittsburgh City Paper   Former board chair Alan Trivilino passed the role onto Smith on July 1, which marked the Urban League’s 105th year of service. Smith is a senior legal official at regional healthcare giant UPMC. Smith has led diversity and inclusion efforts at UPMC and American Airlines and [...]

Carter’s Viewpoint: The urgency of one Pittsburgh now

2022-10-24T09:46:17-04:00October 24th, 2022|Making News|

Originally published: October 21, 2022 Pittsburgh Business Times I am an immensely proud Pittsburgher. I am proud to have been formed and shaped in this region. I have learned the value of hard work and determination and to respect myself and my neighbors. I've learned the value of community. I received quality education from our local institutions: [...]

Take Charge of Your Health Today…Physical Activity

2022-10-24T09:49:44-04:00October 19th, 2022|Health, Making News|

Originally published: 10/19/2022 New Pittsburgh Courier This month’s feature highlights Dr. Bonny Rockette-Wagner’s work on physical activity and its ability to mitigate a myriad of health problems. Dr. Rockette-Wagner also notes that incorporating physical activity into one’s daily routine does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. Recently we connected with Carlos T. Carter, the [...]

September 2022

Pittsburgh-area food banks say demand is soaring as families struggle with inflation

2022-09-16T10:36:02-04:00September 16th, 2022|Making News|

Originally Published 9/14/2022 Pittsburgh Post Gazette From families completely out of food to exploding call volumes, food banks across the Pittsburgh area are seeing their services taxed in new ways as the summer draws to a close and inflation remains high. Jessica Horvath, 45, is one of those individuals who has never used a food [...]

August 2022

People on the Move

2022-08-29T15:12:46-04:00August 29th, 2022|Making News|

Originally Published: 8/29/2022 Pittsburgh Post Gazette Nonprofit The Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh hired John Ukenye as its advocacy and policy officer; Joshua Smith, associate director of youth leadership programs and director, Black Male Leadership Development Institute; Ginger Underwood, program manager, Black Female Leadership Development Institute and Loretta Ellis, opportunity broker.

July 2022

Highmark Health charts new course for social services reimbursement

2022-07-26T13:07:47-04:00July 26th, 2022|Health, Making News, Uncategorized|

Highmark Health and Allegheny Health Network have begun a pilot program that seeks to bring a similar reimbursement system to what it uses for health care providers to nonprofits that provide social services.Recently, health insurers and hospitals have spent a significant amount of time on what are called the social determinants of health, which are [...]

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The Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh was founded in 1918 with the shared National Urban League mission of enabling African-Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights.

Your contribution will help us to continue the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh’s mission of enabling African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights.

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