Unrestricted donations for Champions of Equality membership are the critical foundation for offsetting the ever-increasing costs of providing employment placement, housing counseling, emergency food, family support, and child development, educational services for youth, and leadership training and referral.

Through partnership with you, the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh can contribute to have a significant, positive impact on the quality of life in Southwestern Pennsylvania in many ways including:

  • Improving health outcomes for children, parents and families
  • Continuing extra-curricular programs that help to narrow the achievement gap between African American and other students
  • Encouraging literacy and early school success through the development and nurturing of family reading habits
  • Identifying and addressing obstacles to self-sufficiency through employment training and counseling
  • Increasing tolerance and diversity in our region through leadership referrals to corporate, non-profit and government boards and advisory groups
  • Offering classes to first time homebuyers for preparation and qualifications in buying a home
  • Providing counseling, referral and awareness services to citizens eligible for food stamps
  • And through many other significant programs and activities

The following membership levels are available.
Champions of Equality Donor Society:
Unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more qualify for Champions of Equality Donor Society Membership.

For more information about the work of the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh or the Champion of Equality Donor Society, please call Jarrod Williams at 412-227-4158 or email him at jwilliams@ulpgh.org.

Your contribution will help us to continue the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh’s mission of enabling African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights.